Research, Research, Research

As an author I find that research is the key to an engaging novel. Especially if you realism. i love research. I get to learn more than the average person. I have recently settled on writing in one specific genre – historical fiction.
This plays well because I love history. While researching for my novels I have found that most of what we are taught in schools is wrong. I feel that in my books it is my duty to inform of the way things were not what we were taught they were like. For instance, the Puritans were more interesting than were given credit for. They had more sumptuous meals than what many of us enjoy today. Oh and the color black was almost never worn. As for holidays they weren’t celebrated because that was seen as making one day more important than the other days, and every day was seen as one to celebrate.
Learning all of this makes me wonder what else we haven’t been taught. Well I guess it’s on to learning about the lost colony of Roanoke and seeing what else I can learn and then share in my novels!